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The City of Tomorrow

The role of affordable & social housing providers

Versailles, 3 July 2014Save the date

Second POWER HOUSE nZEC Symposium, Thursday, 3rd July 2014, La Cité du Soleil - Château de Versailles, France

CECODHAS Housing Europe along with its French member l’Union Sociale pour l’Habitat (USH) are organising an international conference on the theme of social and affordable housing and the city of tomorrow. 

The first part of the event will be dedicated to the role of social and affordable housing providers within the urban context to better understand the challenges that cities of tomorrow will be facing. Between new constructions and refurbishment plans, how urban areas must adapt to be accessible, sustainable and in line with the new lifestyles? What are the new responses and solutions that the social housing sector should give?

You may read a detailed conference report and check out all presentations on the POWER HOUSE nearly Zero Energy Challenge website