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The Communities of our Future

Housing, Migration and Integration

Brussels, 13 January 2016Save the date

Wednesday, 13 January 2016, 09:30-13:00, European Parliament/Altiero Spinelli Building Room G2 5th Floor (ASP5 G2), Brussels - Registration is required to enter the European Parliament premises.


Housing Europe is organising in collaboration with the European Parliament Committee for Civil Liberties (LIBE) policy briefing sessions that will feed the own initiative report (INI) that will be drafted by the committee. 

An holistic approach to Migration must address accommodation & housing from a number of perspectives:

  1. Emergency mobilisation of resources: A challenge being faced by local authorities;
  2. Temporary housing: use of existing buildings/alternatives to regular stock; 
  3. Medium & Long term Housing Needs including social issues - the impact of new influx;
  4. Social inclusion of migrants
  5. Integration: Local experience which shows what can work on the ground



1. Introduction from the European Parliament

Chair of the Committee for Civil Liberties (LIBE), Claude Moraes (S & D, UK)

2. Focus on grass roots experiences

  • Urgent mobilisation of resources from the City Perspective
    The Case Studies of
    • Vienna by Michaela Kauer, Director of Vienna House in Brussels
    • Leipzig by Karsten Gerkens, Director of Office of Urban Regeneration and Residential Development
  • Sweden’s short, mild & long-term housing needs
    Ulrika Sax, Housing Researcher at the Swedish Federation of Municipal Housing Companies
  • Conversion of Existing Buildings to accommodate migrants
    Marella Verhagen & Marco van Dijk, Jutphaas Wonen, member of the Dutch Federation of Housing Associations
  • Social Integration through Housing, Training and Employment
    Cédric Van Styvendael, Director General, Public Social Housing Provider, Lyon Metropolitan area
  • Housing and the prevention of extremism and tensions, between communities
    Kristoffer Rønde Møller, BL, Danish Social Housing Federation
  • Migrant workers and the housing market & Promoting good race relations through housing
    Linda Hutchinson, Northern Ireland Housing Executive

Coffee break


Reactions & discussion on the instruments and possible responses from EU Institutions & other relevant stakeholders

  • Sorcha Edwards, Secretarty General of Housing Europe
  • Antoine Savary, Deputy head of the unit dealing with legal migration and integration, DG Migration and Home Affairs
  • Thomas Jezequel, leader on the dossier on refugees, Eurocities
  • Susanne Caarls, Dutch Ministry of Interior, Representative of the Dutch EU Presidency, responsible for EU Urban Agenda 

Lunch will follow on the European Parliament premises at 13.00 - ASP Sandwicherie-Building ASP – ground floor – Room 9a, near the statue of the Horse