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13 May 22 |

Legacoop Abitanti and Finabita are looking for EU Projects Partners

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Legacoop Abitanti and Finabita are looking for EU Projects Partners

Finabita and Legacoop Abitanti are exploring the possibility to build up a consortium within the Housing Europe network to apply for EU funding. Their interest mainly focuses on upcoming calls such as the New European Bauhaus, the Affordable Housing Initiative, Horizon Europe (HORIZON), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and the European Urban Initiative.

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28 Apr 22 |

Milano 2035 and Carbonia 3

A great example for which you would be able to hear more during Housing Europe's annual conference on June, 16th

Milano 2035 and Carbonia 3

Milano 2035 - Youth Housing Coalition was founded to increase the Milanese metropolitan area’s capacity for housing solutions tailored to the needs of young people, increasing the number of 18-35 year-olds who can move to Milan or who, already resident there, can live independently of their families. It is a network comprising 30 public and private entities: associations, foundations, cooperatives, businesses, and local institutions. Sara Travaglini from DAR=CASA explains how the work is taking shape in practice.

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27 Apr 22 |

L’Innesto: the first Carbon-Neutral Social Housing project in Italy

State-of-the-art affordable homes in Milan

L’Innesto: the first Carbon-Neutral Social Housing project in Italy

The area of the former freight terminal Scalo Greco-Breda, located in the north-east of Milan, is soon to be transformed into the first Carbon Neutral Social Housing project in Italy, L’Innesto. The project, developed by REDO SGR and Fondazione Housing Sociale, together with a broad multi-stakeholder partnership, is among the winners of the Reinventing Cities international competition promoted by C40 Cities. The Fondazione Housing Sociale team tells the story.

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