Housing 2030 is a joint international initiative of housing experts from over 56 governments through UNECE, UN Habitat and 43,000 affordable housing providers and neighbourhood developers represented by Housing Europe. It aims to improve the capacity of national and local governments to formulate policies that improve housing affordability and sustainability.


Register for the event, HERE .

All time slots are Irish Standard Time (IST) / Central European Summer Time -1 (CEST-1)

09:00-09:05 | Welcome & Instructions for Attendees

09:05-09:15 | Opening address

  • John O’Connor, Chief Executive officer – Irish Housing Agency
  • Darragh O’Brien, Minister for Housing, Local Government & Heritage, Ireland

09:15-09:30 | #Housing2030 Partners Contribution on Financing for Affordable Housing

  • Doris Andoni, Chair of the UNECE Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management
  • Bent Madsen, President of Housing Europe
  • Robert Lewis-Lettington, Chief of the Land, Housing and Shelter Section, UN-Habitat

09:30-09:50 | Keynote Address

  • Josh Ryan- Collins, Head of Finance and Macroeconomics at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
    Senior Research Fellow at the UCL Institute for Innovation and
    Public Purpose

09:50-10:10 | The ‘affordable housing finance’ toolkit

  • Michelle Norris, School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice at University College Dublin

10:10-10:50 | Q&A Session (moderated by David Orr, #Housing2030 Co-Chair)

The speakers on this panel have recorded three podcasts under the title ‘Shaping investment pathways to deliver affordable housing’. Attendees are encouraged to listen to these interventions in advance of the webinar, as this session will be a Q&A only. The podcasts are accessible, HERE

  • Michelle Norris, School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice at University College Dublin
  • Manuel Aalbers, KU Leuven School of Geography & Tourism
  • Grzegorz Gajda, European Investment Bank

10:50-11:00 | Virtual coffee break

11:00-11:40 | “How can we use finance and related regulations and institutions to improve affordable housing outcomes?” (moderated by Elena Szolgayova, #Housing2030 Co-Chair)

Representatives of national and local governments, social and affordable housing providers and policy experts will share their experiences with innovative policies which have succeeded in generating funding for the delivery of affordable housing options. 

  • Barry O’Leary, Housing Finance Agency of Ireland
  • Virginie Toussain, l’Union sociale pour l’habitat (USH)
  • Solveig Råberg Tingey, The Danish Federation of Non-Profit Housing Providers (BL)
  • Javier Burón Cuadrado , Housing Division – Barcelona City Council
  • Anna Kornecka, Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology

11:40-11:45 | Summary of the day’s discussions

  • Elena Szolgayova, #Housing2030 Co-Chair
  • David Orr, #Housing2030 Co-Chair

11:45 | Adjourn 

Visit our Housing 2030 website, HERE