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Housing 2030

Time to think and do differently

#Housing 2030 is a joint international initiative of housing experts from over 56 governments through UNECE and UN-Habitat and 43,000 affordable housing providers and neighbourhood developers represented by Housing Europe. It aims to improve the capacity of national and local governments to formulate policies that improve housing affordability and sustainability.

In an accessible and helpful format #Housing 2030 makes clear what affordable housing entails: strategic land policy, purposeful investment and good governance. It aims to provide a toolkit of tried and tested housing policy solutions for policymakers. In addition to the series of events and podcasts that have been and will continue to be organised in 2021, the Housing 2030 researchers welcome more knowledge from the international community of housing experts in relation to effective policies that can be included in the final report.

This practical report defines key concepts and policy tools drawn from the experience of over 50 countries. The report zeroes in on four key areas: land policy and planning strategies, funding and financing instruments, and good governance and regulation as well as environmental and energy standards for a more sustainable future. Clear illustrations show how these policies have been implemented, pointing out what makes them best practice and providing useful links to a wealth of contacts and resources.

#Housing2030 shows how policymakers can improve affordable housing outcomes and at the same time play a constructive role in addressing ongoing climate change and stimulate the social and economic recovery now demanded by the pandemic. #Housing2030 also provides a ‘tool kit’ rather than a universal ‘blueprint’, to respond to the different and changing demands of member states and regions.

Read the report, have a look at the tens of best practices, tune in for the podcasts, keep an eye on the upcoming events, all at

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