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18 Jun 15 |

10 minutes with João Carvalhosa, President of CECODHAS Portugal

Meet the faces behind housing providers across Europe

10 minutes with João Carvalhosa, President of CECODHAS Portugal

Every month we introduce you to one of the people leading the work of our member organisations. In this edition, just a couple of weeks before the Housing Europe General Assembly there, we head to Lisbon to introduce you to the President of our Portuguese member organisation CECODHAS Portugal, João Carvalhosa.

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27 May 15 |

Housing Activists take over in Spain

Encouraging news for the housing sector?

Housing Activists take over in Spain

The regional elections in Spain last Sunday made clear that the political balance in the country has changed. Why is Ada Colau’s victory in Barcelona important and what could it mean for one of the most problematic housing markets in the EU?

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12 May 15 |

10 minutes with Kieron Brennan, CEO of Co-operative Housing Ireland

Meet the faces behind housing providers across Europe

10 minutes with Kieron Brennan, CEO of Co-operative Housing Ireland

Every month we introduce you to one of the people leading the work of our member organisations. In this edition, we head to Ireland to introduce you to the CEO of our member organisation Co-operative Housing Ireland, Kieron Brennan.

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