Minute 26 Jun 15 Coordination and integrated approach to combat homelessness Key conclusions of the 2015 FEANTSA Policy Conference
Article 16 Jun 15 “Social mixing is not a one-size-fits-all solution to urban problems” An interview with Professor Maarten Van Ham
News 20 May 15 Does better regulation equal better EU law-making? What does the ambitious Timmermans agenda mean for Housing Europe and its members?
Campaign 1 Apr 15 A new start for the real estate sector Housing Europe supports the joint letter to the European Commission
News 31 Mar 15 Sweden: 436,000 homes needed Government suggests economic support for new construction
Press release 24 Feb 15 The German State of North Rhine-Westphalia joins the European Responsible Housing Initiative Housing Minister Michael Groschek signs the European Declaration
Position paper 5 Feb 15 TTIP and Social Housing The position of Housing Europe on the potential impact of the trade agreement on the housing sector
News 11 Dec 14 Keeping alive a platform of cooperation for EU urban and housing issues Housing Europe welcomes the approval of the URBAN Intergroup of the European Parliament for 5 more years
Minute 5 Dec 14 Housing Europe supports the Semester Alliance Intervention at the European Parliament Hearing