Press release 25 Feb 15 The EU needs a citizen-oriented Energy Union Why the housing sector holds the key to a fair energy transition
Press release 16 Dec 14 5 reasons why the European Union must invest in thermal renovation of homes for households in energy poverty A joint press release
Press release 6 Oct 14 Reality and ambition should meet on a fair energy transition Member States expected to bring Energy & Climate Objectives 2030 closer to people’s housing needs
Press release 25 Jul 14 Energy and Housing in 2030: Looking behind the targets How will the affordable housing sector contribute to a more energy efficient Europe?
Press release 25 Jun 14 CECODHAS Housing Europe meets Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 The city of the future and the role of affordable housing
Press release 19 Feb 14 Housing in the EU urban agenda of our future Social investment for a fair development