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18 May 21 |

25 Years of EKYL

Celebrating the Estonian Union of Co-operative Housing Associations

25 Years of EKYL

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the creation of the Estonian Union of Co-operative Housing Associations, better known as EKYL (which is abbreviation from the organization’s name in Estonian language Eesti Korteriühistute Liit). Being still a young organization compared to 100-year-olds housing federations in Western Europe, EKYL nevertheless have a lot of unique experience of building up a country’s largest housing movement from the beginning, and leading it during the decades of transition from turbulent post-soviet times into modern Estonian society, EKYL's Head of International Relations and Projects, Anu Sarnet writes.

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4 May 21 |

The New European Bauhaus:

The crossroad where arts and housing affordability must meet

The New European Bauhaus:

The New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative was launched by the European Commission in the framework of its “renovation wave”. The core idea of the original Bauhaus was based on a social approach where art was to serve a social role. In this article, Sorcha Edwards explains how the New European Bauhaus contains real potential based on the success of the inclusive, beautiful and affordable housing developed by the members of Housing Europe.

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4 May 21 |

The National Building Fund

The heart of social and affordable housing in Denmark

The National Building Fund

For more than 50 years, the National Building Fund has been playing a crucial role in supporting the Danish social and affordable housing sector, ensuring that housing providers are not affected by pro-cyclical investments, usually peaking during times of the strongest economic prosperity and declining in times of economic difficulty. Instead, the Fund allows social and affordable housing operators to be self-funded not needing to rely on public financing only. Housing Europe’s Social Affairs Chair, Natalia Rogaczewska and Solveig Råberg Tingey, a Chief Economist at the Danish Federation of Non-Profit Housing Providers (BL) explain how does this system work in practice.

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