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23 Mar 21 |

New study: The economic benefits of affordable housing

New study: The economic benefits of affordable housing

A new study by Michael Klien and Gerhard Streicher, from the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), quantifies the impacts of limited-profit housing on purchasing power, GDP, and the public purse. The study illustrates that limited-profit housing associations not only provide affordable and secure homes but are a financial net-benefit to individual households, the economy, and the public purse, Gerald Kossl from Housing Europe's Austrian member, GBV writes for our blog.

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15 Mar 21 |

Housing Europe starts working on a massive EU project that lowers barriers to test innovative solutions in construction

Housing Europe starts working on a massive EU project that lowers barriers to test innovative solutions in construction

The 5-year Horizon 2020 project, METABUILDING Labs (MBLabs) is oriented towards small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that aims at reinforcing the construction sector value chain with new tools, innovative materials, upgraded technical framework, living labs, and upskilling. We tell you a bit more about its goals and the place of public, cooperative, social housing providers in it.

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8 Mar 21 |

Italy’s Housing Cooperatives and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Legacoop Abitanti takes a stance in Senate hearing

Italy’s Housing Cooperatives and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Legacoop Abitanti, audited by the national Senate, underlined the importance of attention paid to social housing and urban regeneration in a strategic recovery. "We have pointed out that non-repayable resources are needed for the most vulnerable groups and that the cooperation of inhabitants must be present in the co-planning and in the governance of the funds,” emphasises the President, Rossana Zaccaria.

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