In this ’10 minutes with…’ series we meet you digitally with Riccardo Novacco who is now leading the work of FEDERCASA and represents Italian public housing companies and housing bodies at provincial, communal and regional level. A big responsibility, especially in the aftermath of COVID-19. Have a read.


  • I would describe Federcasa in 10 words as a federation of about 80 public and private bodies whose role is central in mitigating the social housing problem in Italy.
  • Our key objective is to manage the public housing stock and guarantee all citizens the human right to housing.
  • Apart from housing provision, our mission is to ensure the well-being of our tenants and, more generally, of all the citizens; the way is to take a key role both in the urban regeneration of the towns and in the definition of renewed and boosted policies for social housing in Italy.
  • We are members of Housing Europe because we share interest and goals: Housing Europe gives Federcasa the opportunity of sharing best practises and experiences with other countries; furthermore it is the way to reach legislators collectively as a sector and define renewed policies in the areas we are interested in.

In Italy…

  • Housing is considered to be in Italy as Italian people generally aim to purchase a home, housing is an important economic sector in Italy. You can easily imagine that prices are not affordable for everyone: here social housing comes in, helping people experiencing social-economic difficulties to get a home.
  • Our key partners in the country are municipalities, local and regional authorities, local healthcare companies.
  • Our main housing policy priority at the moment is to increase housing stock, as the demand has more and more been increasing in last years.
  • The major challenge for the country today is to provide housing with an eye both on the citizens well-being and the preservation of the environment.


  • I start my working day by greeting my staff and taking a coffee with them before checking my schedule.
  • After leaving the office I am a classic cars and motorcicles enthusiast; I usually organise historical cars races.
  • Currently I am reading Busatti & Lotus thriller by Romano Artioli.
  • I move around by car, but if possible on foot.
  • I prefer having on my table some fresh fish with a glass of white wine.