The Observatory of Housing Europe presents volume 3 of the series ‘Housing in the post-2020 EU’. This edition is dedicated to to describing some of the more innovative ways in which housing providers are trying to contain and decrease construction costs.t in 50% higher risk of incidence and 42% chance of losing the battle with the coronavirus.

Across Europe, we see that there is not enough construction of new homes to meet demand.  National governments wish to solve their respective housing crises, housing providers want to build, and the many thousands, if not millions, of households on waiting lists long for their own homes.
This briefing is dedicated to describing some of the more innovative ways in which housing providers are trying to contain and decrease construction costs. They bring up a range of different priorities: from achieving scale efficiency (for instance by using framework procurement contracts), deploying an industrial approach (with the use of serial and modular construction and off-site manufacturing), to using digital technology such as BIM, and the provision of catalogues reviewing products and services for social housing providers based on tested quality, performance and price. 

Edited by Mariel Whelan, Research Assistant and Alice Pittini, Housing Europe Research Coordinator