The Houseful Collaborative Community Housing Experts (CCHE), chaired by Housing Europe, kicked off on September 23rd with a first webinar where experts were introduced to the Houseful project and discussed the different circular solutions proposed.

The contributions from the CCHE of the HOUSEFUL project will help to take a holistic approach to overcome technical, financial, political and social barriers to implement circular solutions in the housing sector.

Three themes emerged from the webinar:

  1. The integration of circular solutions in complement of energy efficiency in the residential sector.
  2. The further development of feasible circular economy business opportunities (CEBO’s) for the Houseful platform 
  3. The need to identify Follower buildings that are willing to implement some of the tested Houseful solutions

We invite you to join the Forums to discuss these and other questions around Circular Economy and Housing with the experts. A Virtual community has been set up to allow the exchange of experiences and feedback about the project.

Although the participation to the CCHE Steering Group is on invitation only, everyone who is interested in following Houseful and exchanging about Circularity in Housing is welcome to the virtual CCHE community. To access, please register here to receive your login details.