The EU Sustainable Energy Awards recognise outstanding innovation in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Out of hundreds of projects, the Interreg E=0 and Horizon2020 Transition Zero projects- Housing Europe is part of the consortium-, executed by Energiesprong market development teams in the UK, France and the Netherlands, won the 2019 award for most innovative project.

Ron van Erck, Head of International Market Development at Energiesprong Foundation: “It’s a great moment to realise how much momentum we have been able to create with literally hundreds of people that have come together in five European countries now, all driving a new approach for retrofitting buildings. One that is desirable for people, one that uses the modern technologies available to us and one that really solves the issues that need solving instead of marginally improving on them.”

Affordable and attractive home upgrades

The two European projects have allowed Energiesprong market development teams to create markets for affordable and attractive net zero energy retrofits. After such a retrofit each home produces enough energy for its heating, hot water and appliances. Money saved on energy bills and maintenance pays for the improvement.

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