The European Commission released on 27 February the Country Reports. The reports provide the analytical basis for the country-specific recommendations in the European Semester.

This year the reports include for the first time a specific Annex on ‘Investment guidance for cohesion policy 2021/2027’. This analysis on investment needs is expected to be included again the country reports in five years time. 

Housing features prominently in the analysis of many member states. But more interestingly, and to some extent more than in previous years, the European Commission highlights in several cases how the lack of social housing calls for stronger investment in the sector as well as in energy efficiency of (residential) buildings, especially with regards to the next ESIF programming period.

Despite the presence of issues which in our view remain controversial in some of the country reports, overall Housing Europe highly welcomes the approach taken by the EC. Below you can find few excerpts from some of this year’s country reports. However, please keep in mind that this is just a ‘teaser’ and all reports are available here.

Check out the analysis on your country and send us your feedback!

Some examples: