The celebration of the long tradition of decent, affordable housing that provides opportunities during the 3rd International Social Housing Festival in Helsinki will reach another level with the European Responsible Housing Awards. Mark 14-17 June 2022 in your calendars, and keep on reading if you want to join the competition.
For the 4th time, social and affordable housing providers in Europe have the chance to showcase outstanding examples and share how do they improve local realities.
Housing Europe, together with our partners the International Union of Tenants (IUT) and DELPHIS have officially launched the call for inspiring projects.
Have a read and make sure to apply by 31st December 2021.
The categories
The different fields are based on the Code of Conduct which guides and commits Responsible Housing providers to integrate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) principles into their business strategy and translate them into concrete practices.
Fair financing for housing affordability
More than a roof – supporting communities of equal opportunities
Leaders of innovation, agents of fair energy transition
Building strategic alliances, fostering community participation
Empowering the team, addressing employees’ changing needs
We have been impressed how the sector has managed to move mountains to protect tenants and residents during the COVID-19 crisis. For this reason, the 2022 edition includes a special prize for pandemic-related special solutions.
Going the extra mile in extraordinary circumstances
When will we celebrate?
The final ceremony of the European Responsible Housing Awards will take place in Helsinki (Finland) during the International Social Housing Festival (14-17 June 2022).
Do you have more questions?
Check our FAQ section or contact us via email.
Housing Europe members can also refer their questions to our Communications Director, Diana Yordanova.