On the occasion of the 2nd International Festival of Social Housing and in particular the exhibition organized by the French Housing Europe Member, L’Union Sociale pour L’habitat (Social Union for Housing) on the history of public, social and cooperative housing in Europe, Housing Europe and its Spanish member AVS Asociación Española de Gestores Públicos de Vivienda y Suelo (Spanish association of public housing and land managers), are organizing a reception evening that will take place on the site of the the exhibition and will celebrate more than 100 federations and social landlords, active for 100 years and more.

A small gift will be given by AVS to the 100-year-old federations and their members to celebrate this long history and renew their commitment for years to come.

Celebration starts on June 5th at 7pm in Salle Louis Vicat

Soft reception will be provided


19:00 – 19:10 Opening of the Celebration, Bertrand Prade, President of ABC HLM representing AURA HLM the association of social housing providers in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, and co-organiser of the International Social Housing Festival.

Welcome remarks

19:10 – 19:15 Cédric Van Styvendael, President of Housing Europe

19:15 – 19:20 Jerónimo Escalera Gómez, President of AVS              

19:20 – 19:30 Carine Puyol, USH presents the Social Housing in Europe Exhibition (tbc)


19:30 – 20:15 ‘Champions’ time – 100 providers with over 100 years of history


20:15 – 21:30 closing remarks and the big celebration