Accelerating home renovations in Europe, and the targets laid out by the European Green Deal, will not succeed without adequately involving and supporting the 195 million households that live in those homes. This means empowering citizens to take action, provide adequate support, and strive for renovations that result in comfortable, healthy, safe, and affordable homes. This session showcases how citizens across Europe – both tenants and homeowners – are already participating in renovation projects and highlights what can be done at the European and Member State level to support this growing citizen-led renovation movement. This will be followed by a discussion with the speakers and the audience on how to ensure that the Renovation Wave delivers healthy, safe, affordable, and energy efficient homes for all. The session brings together contributions from social, public, and cooperative housing providers, regional actors, consumer and tenants perspectives, and energy communities.

Achieving an acceleration of home renovations in Europe, and the targets laid out by the European Green Deal, will not succeed without adequately involving the 195 million households living in those homes. On the one hand, this means recognising that citizen empowerment is crucial in achieving the set targets, while on the other hand, it requires providing the necessary frameworks and support to ensure renovations are carried out in an inclusive and participatory manner. Moreover it is essential that renovations aim to achieve comfortable, liveable and affordable homes that are widely available, including for vulnerable people.

The purpose of the event is to achieve more awareness among EU-institution representatives, policy makers , public authorities, and other stakeholders in the energy sector on the potential of citizen participation in renovation and energy efficiency activities. The event will showcase that empowering citizens will be key to reach the renovation and energy efficiency targets set in the EU sustainable energy policy agenda and  to ensure an inclusive Renovation Wave. We hope to do this through:  1) demonstrating how citizens are already engaging in (collective) action on building renovation 2) highlighting what can be done at the EU and Member State level to support this growing movement; 3) outlining how to ensure that no one is left behind in the building Renovation Wave.

The session will bring together a diverse group of actors representing, or working with, citizens on the topic of renovation in a variety of ways, such as social housing providers, municipalities, consumer organizations, and energy cooperatives and communities. It will bring an often overheard voice to the renovation policy debate: that of citizens. 


Sara Tachelet
Communications Manager

Ciaran Cuffe
Member of the European Parliament
Group of the Greens

Gearoid Fitzgibbon
Energy Communities Tipperary Cooperative

Guillaume Joly
Sustainable Buildings Officer

Christiane Egger
Deputy manager
Upper Austria Energy Agency

Luigia D’Alessandro
Communication & Dissemination Project Manager
Ekubirojs, Housing Europe partner


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