Are you working in the field of social housing renovation?

Join a practical study visit to Paris, France to

– Discover the successful urban regeneration project transforming the Reuilly barracks into affordable housing (The Caserne de Reuilly);
– Learn about innovative technologies to upscale renovation;
– Meet the local experts behind the scenes who make it possible.



The objective of this study tour is to provide practical insights into renovation of large residential housing districts. Organised by the European Affordable Housing Consortium, SHAPE-EU project and hosted by the social housing company Paris Habitat, this study visit focuses on learning about social and affordable housing in France, the different support mechanisms and successfully implemented projects.

The tour will be held in English.

10:00 – 11:30 | Introduction to Social housing renovation in Paris and France by Paris Habitat – Paris Hbitat. 21 bis Rue CLaude Bernanrd, 75005 Paris

11:45 – 13:00 | Site #1: Glacière Daviel – 13 Rue Daviel, 75013 Paris

13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch

14:00 – 14:30| Metro to Site 2

14:30 – 16:00 | Site #2: Caserne de Reuilly – 4 Passage Marie Rogissart, 75012 Paris

16:00 – 17:00 Reflections & discussion  – 4 Passage Marie Rogissart, 75012 Paris

19:00 Dinner – TBD



  • Employees of SMEs, representatives and/or elected representatives of local authorities, and representatives of social or affordable housing providers;
  • Participants’ organisations should be based in Single Market Programme (SMP) countries;
  • Participants should be planning or implementing renovation projects, preferably at district level.



A more detailed programme will be provided for selected participants.


  • Travel and accommodation fees can be reimbursed up to 500 EUR/person based on supporting documents.
  • A list of hotels will be sent along with the definitive programme.



If you are interested in participating, please complete this application form with a few questions regarding your motivation to participate.
The deadline to apply is the 24st of April 2023, 18h00 Brussels time.

Please note that the number of participants is limited, therefore your participation is not guaranteed. The applications will be evaluated based on candidates’ motivation submitted via application form and respecting the deadline. Priority will be given to participants who have not previously benefited from the project’s travel support.

More information here.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Elina Sergejeva at and Bénédicte Weber at

Site visit #1: Glacière-Daviel residence

The Glacière-Daviel residence is a complex of 5 buildings and 765 dwellings built in the 1960s. Between 2014 and 2019, the site was fully refurbished to reduce energy consumption, improve housing quality and comfort, upgrade indoor and outdoor shared spaces, and create new dwellings to meet the growing demand for affordable housing in Paris. While the improvement of energy performance involved interventions such the insulation of external walls, basements and roof terraces and the renovation of heating systems, housing comfort works focused on restructuring of some of the dwellings and enhancing light exposure and visibility of outdoor spaces for residents.

The elevation of two floors led to the creation of 72 new apartments. To add these two additional floors, wood was used as a construction material, with contributed to improving the exterior aspect and architectural quality of the building.

The goal was to densify while improving quality of life for the existing residents. Elevators were added to serve existing and new dwellings, significantly improving accessibility for a site with a large proportion of elderly residents.

Tenants remained inside the building during the entirety of the refurbishment works, which made participation and dialogue a key element in the success of the project.

Site visit #2: Caserne de Reuilly

The Caserne de Reuilly is an exemplary project of urban regeneration, to create affordable housing in Paris’ city center, as part of the City of Paris authorities’ long-term vision of a sustainable city. Formerly owned by the Ministry of Defense, the Reuilly barracks occupied two hectares of land in the heart of Paris. As the army no longer needed them, the State decided to sell them to rationalize its real estate holdings. With the adoption of the Duflot Law in 2013, the Reuilly Barracks became part of the goal to facilitate the creation of social housing in France, and in this case, in Paris. In 2013.

As ancient military barracks, the goal of the renovation project was to preserve the architectural heritage and align with low carbon and circular housing commitments of Paris Habitat. The Caserne de Reuilly project was constituted of 8 lots, mixing new buildings construction and renovation, in a spirit of urban densification. The 39 000 m2 floorspace of the Reuilly Barracks now includes 582 dwellings including 50% social and student dwellings, 20% family and intermediary dwellings, 30% private rent-controlled dwellings, and a nursery of 66 cradles. 4000m2 of commercial premises and 5 600 m2 of green areas were also included in the project.

The project led to the creation of an entirely new neighborhood, made accessible to the public by the opening of the Barracks and the creation of new pedestrian paths. The entire transformation of the Caserne de Reuilly was thought in a spirit of circularity. Circularity has been a pillar throughout the project from the temporary occupation of the Caserne to the design of the building, the preservation of materials, the integration of reused materials on site, and the donation of additional materials which presented a reusing potential.