The New European Bauhaus (NEB) is an initiative of the European Commission. It is an attempt to create a “creative and interdisciplinary movement” within the EU. The idea is to translate the European Green Deal into on-the-ground change in line with the values sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusion.

Launched with a co-design phase (October 2020 – June 2021), the initiative has now entered a delivery phase, involving inter alia the setup and implementation of New European Bauhaus pilots, supported by calls for proposals. About €85 million is to be dedicated to New European Bauhaus projects from existing EU programmes in 2021 – 2022.

This debate will focus on the inclusive dimension of the NEB and what it can achieve in terms “prioritising the places and people that need it the most”. What does inclusion mean in the context of the NEB? Can it support the identification, development and scaling-up of solutions to homelessness and housing exclusion? What innovative ideas and projects would help deliver more affordable, sustainable housing solutions to people who need them? What impact can we realistically expect from the NEB in the context of a severe housing crisis?

Draft programme

Chair: Ruth Owen, deputy director FEANTSA

1. Welcome by MEP Marcos Ros Sempere (10’)

2. Kick-off input by Ruth Reichstein, IDEA: What is the NEB? How will it work? What makes it inclusive? Who “needs it most”? How will it reach them? (20’)

3. Showcase: Beautiful, sustainable, inclusive solutions to homelessness (30’)

Presentation of NEB prize winners and other projects

  • Homeless Housing (DK), Astrid Lykke Nielsen (architect)
  • Agile Homes Bristol (UK), Craig White (CEO)
  • ‘APROP Barcelona’ (ES), Eduard Cabré Romans (Housing Policy Consultant Barcelona Department of Housing) (tbc)

4. Responses by experts and discussion (30’)

  • Orla Murphy, member of the NEB Round Table and Professor at UCD School of Architecture Planning and Environmental Policy (tbc)
  • Juha Kaakinen, CEO Y-Foundation (FI)
  • Pierre Veltz, professor emeritus École des Ponts ParisTech (FR) (tbc)
  • Pascale de Decker, professor KU Leuven architecture school (BE) (tbc)

5. Q&A with audience (20’)
6. Conclusions (10’)

  • Housing Europe
  • Foundation Abbé Pierre