Tune in for this EU Sustainable Energy Week session to hear about the latest developments on the implementation of the Renovation Wave and the review of the EPBD. Housing Europe will take the opportunity to present the view of the public, cooperative and social housing sector in Europe on the upcoming directive, ahead of the adoption by the end of the year.

The session will feature a key-note introduction by the Commissionner for Energy, Kadri Simson, setting the scene from the Renovation Wave and the broader policy context perspective.

The event will continue with a round table to discuss some of the main elements of the revision of the EPBD: new buildings, existing buildings and information tools. For each topic, the Commission will present the main provisions, which will then be discussed with the participants, allowing for comments, feedback and to highlight the view from the different building sectors. Housing Europe will present the view of the public, cooperative and social housing sector in Europe.


Paula Pinho
Director – Just Transition, Consumers, Energy Efficiency and Innovation
DG ENER – European Commission

Kadri Simson
EU Commissioner for Energy
European Commission

Adrian Joyce
Secretary General

Peter Sweatman
Chief Executive
Climate Strategy and Partners

Sorcha Edwards
Secretary General
Housing Europe

Brian Motherway
Head of Energy efficiency division

Hans van Steen
Adviser, Acting Director on Renewables, Research and Innovation, Energy Efficiency – DG ENER
European Commission

Register to attend here. #EUSEW21