In the context of the current pandemic, it has become particularly important to understand the effects thereof on the housing sector and how the right to housing has been protected by the various Member States, as well as to reflect on the establishment of a European vision for the housing policy that could guarantee access to housing with dignity at accessible prices.

Watch the livestream of the conference, HERE

Moderator: Mafalda Anjos| Director of Visão Magazine

09h30-10h00 | Opening session: Contextualization of Housing Policies in Portugal

09h30-09h40 | Isabel Dias| President of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Housing and Urban Rehabilitation

09h40-10h00 | Marina Gonçalves | Secretary of State for Housing

10h00-11h00 | Housing and Covid-19

10h00-10h10 | “Housing amid Covid-19: Policy responses and challenges”
Boris Cournede, Volker Ziemann, Federica De Pace | OECD *

10h10-10h20 |“Housing and Health: Covid-19 as an highlighter of the connection”
Maria João Freitas | Consultant Case-studies (under confirmation)

10h20-10h30 | Germany
Anne Katrin Bohle | State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community

10h30-10h40 | Spain
Francisco David Lucas Parrón |General Secretariat of Urban Agenda and Housing 

10h40-10h50 | Slovenia
Robert Rozâc | State Secretary-Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning

10h50-11h10 | Coffee Break

11h10-12h30 | Debate (all speakers – Housing and Covid-19)

12h30-14h30 | Lunch break

14h30-15h30 | The future of Housing in EU

14h30-14h40 |“The future challenges of Housing”
Sorcha Edwards| Housing Europe

14h40-14h50 | “Portuguese municipalities and Housing: Local government versus national and European measures”
Paula Marques| Portuguese Municipal Housing Association

14h50-15h00 |“The importance of EU funding for Housing” (under confirmation)
Orna Rosenfeld| Housing expert for the European Commission

15h00-15h10 |“Access to decent and affordable housing for all” (under confirmation)
Kim Van Sparrentak | Member of the European Parliament 

15h10-16h30 | Debate (all speakers – The future of Housing in EU)

16h30-16h50 | Closing Session
Pedro Nuno Santos | Minister for Infrastructure and Housing

For more information, please visit the website of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU, HERE.