Housing cooperatives provide affordability, community, democratic governance, and promote social equality. Effective governance, member involvement, and supportive frameworks are crucial. Many also play a vital role in promoting sustainability and aligning with renewable energy initiatives, boosting their impact locally and throughout Europe. Housing Europe is hosting a session on and for housing cooperatives, our members and partners, both established and emerging.

The European Commission should recognise cooperatives as partners in a socially inclusive twin digital and green transition. Additionally, housing cooperatives bring to life the New European Bauhaus by fostering community-driven, sustainable housing, in line with its values of inclusivity and environmental awareness.

Housing Europe is hosting a session on and for housing cooperatives, our members and partners, both established and emerging. The purpose is to showcase new local actions and evaluate legal and financial frameworks in light of the high ambitions and innovations within the sector. Attendees will also be provided with a preview of an upcoming comprehensive report by Housing Europe’s Observatory on this topic. The event aims to also facilitate discussions with perspectives from the European Commission and financial institutions supporting the sector.

The event will take place in person in Brussels, on the 20th of March, between 15:30 – 17:30 CET, Avenue de la Toison d’Or 72, Brussels. Below you can find the draft programme.


  • 15:30-15:35 | Introduction by Sorcha Edwards, Secretary General, Housing Europe
  • 15:35-15:40 | Opening – Patrizia Toia MEP
  • 15:40-15:50 | Briefing presentation – Alice Pittini, Research Director, Housing Europe
  • 15:50-16:50 | Thematic discussions:
    • Combating loneliness and isolation
    • Establishing the right framework at the local level
    • Addressing exclusion of youth from rental housing – mobilising public support
    • Exploring new pathways for affordable housing delivery
  • 16:50-17:05 | Institutional perspectives from the financial sector – Christian König, Managing Director, European Federation of Building Societies 
  • 17:05-17:20 | Reactions and Q&A
  • 17:20-17:30 | Closing remarks – Lorenzo Novaro, Project Manager, Cooperatives Europe

Registration link