The pandemic has clearly demonstrated the importance of securing access to adequate and affordable homes. Not having a home or living in overcrowded housing were some of the strongest predictors of Covid19 infections. Homelessness increased rapidly over the last decade, and further increases in the number of people who experience homelessness and severe housing exclusion is likely in the aftermath of the pandemic.

Watch the conference, HERE.

Ending homelessness requires strong action and cooperation between all relevant stakeholders. Social housing policy can play an important role in both tackling and preventing homelessness by enabling social housing providers to provide adequate housing-led solutions through partnerships with social service providers and local authorities

On the eve of the Ministerial conference where the EU Platform on Combating Homelessness will be launched, this webinar will bring together experts, housing practitioners and policymakers to discuss how to strengthen the role of social housing providers in the fight against homelessness at local, national and European level. 

The Housing Solutions Platform is an expertise- and practice-driven initiative to identify, debate and promote innovative solutions for affordable housing in Europe. It is a joint initiative of FEANTSA, Housing Europe and the Fondation Abbé Pierre.

10:00 – 11:15

Opening by Cindy Franssen, MEP

Sarah Coupechoux – Fondation Abbé Pierre (France)

Housing first in addressing homelessness in France, lessons learned

Maria Montes Miguel  – Vice president of Spanish Federation of Public Housing, AVS

Combating homelessness through partnership with municipalities

Kjell Larsson – President of FEANTSA & Swedish Association of City Mission
Housing First in Sweden: what role for public housing? The example of Gothenburg

Bjorn Mallants – Director VVH (Flanders)
Social housing for the homeless: lessons learnt from Flemish Housing First programme

11:15 – 11:30 Q&A followed by short break

11:30 – 12:00

Discussion with Katarina Ivanković Knežević Director, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion: what role for the social housing sector in the European Platform on Combating Homelessness?

Bent Madsen – President of Housing Europe & BL (Denmark): Conclusions and way forward