Welcome to the Housing Europe webinar series – Innovation bites – bringing forward innovation projects, with a focus on policy and funding. Episode four: using the right type of funding to foster innovation in the affordable housing sector.

Join us for a workshop on funding opportunities catered to your specific innovation needs, be it new construction, renovation, property management or all other services involved in supporting individuals and families securing and maintaining affordable, safe, and suitable housing.

Bear in mind the workshop will be tailored to participants, so you will be expected to contribute to the sessions, namely sharing the problems and innovation priorities of your organisation.

We are looking foirward to welcoming you!



10:00-10:05 | Welcome and introduction

10:05-10:15 | Icebreaker and team building

10:15-11:00 | Social housing organisations: what are my current difficult problems / what needs to be changed? – Participants

  • What projects? Funding as a part of the innovation process – João Gonçalves, Housing Europe
  • Financing energy renovations in Denmark: problems and solution – Liv Jørgensen, Danish Federation of Non-Profit Housing Providers (BL)
  • Open floor to participants.

11:00-11:40 | Research and Innovation in housing services and construction

  • The experience of INCASOL in EU funded innovation – Cristina Clotet Ollé, Catalan Land Institute
  • Introduction to Horizon Europe and the LIFE Programme – Clara Mafé, Housing Europe
  • Q&A

11:40-11:50 | Break

11:50-12:15 | Social Innovation in the housing sector

  • What social actions can be funded? – Daniele Bregoli, Social Services Europe              
  • Q&A

12:15-12:30 | Closing and feedback


Registration link