While it is good that everyone is currently trying their best to find alternatives for the classic sources of energy, it is unfortunate that so many will become even more vulnerable. The lack of stability and predictability determine numerous consequences, among which are the soaring energy prices. Despite all this, we should not lose hope, and instead, play our part, no matter how small, and show true European solidarity. Join this one-day free webinar and become a certified Energy Supporter or Mentor.
Once again, Housing Europe in collaboration with partners in the Horizon 2020 project, POWERPOOR is offering a free online course that aims at providing all necessary knowledge to support energy-poor citizens to implement energy efficiency interventions and participate in joint energy initiatives, through the development of support programmes and ICT-driven tools. The final goal is to facilitate citizens’ behaviour change towards better energy use and uptake of energy-efficient measures through experience and knowledge sharing.
The training webinar is taking place on 26th October 2022 (Wednesday) from 11:00 to 12:45 CET followed by a short lunch break and continuing from 13:30 to 16:30 CET.
Colleagues from public, cooperative, and social housing providers, municipalities, health and social workers, representatives from the academia and anyone who wants to be engaged in tackling the phenomenon can now join a community of 500+ POWERPOOR certified Energy Supporters and Mentors, working on the ground, enabling change and providing paths out of energy poverty in their regions.
After the online course, which will be held in English, the participants will be called to take a 15-minute test to become a certified POWERPOOR Energy Supporter and Mentor. From this moment on, you will be part of the POWERPOOR movement and can kick off working with vulnerable households in your city or area.
26th October 2022
11:00 – 16:30 CET, online, Zoom
Programme of the training
11:00 – 11:05
Welcome & introduction by Housing Europe
11:05 – 12:00
Understanding the phenomenon of Energy Poverty, concepts, and policies at national and European level
Housing Europe, Julien Dijol, Policy Director
The POWERPOOR project – approach, objectives & the role of Energy Supporters and Mentors
NTUA, Eleni Kanellou, POWERPOOR Coordinator and PhD Candidate, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
12:00 – 12:45
The POWER-TARGET and POWER-ACT tools – how do they work?
NTUA, Eleni Kanellou, POWERPOOR Coordinator and PhD Candidate, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
12:45 – 13:30
13:30 – 14:30
PART III – From theory to practice. Good practices and case studies
Energy-saving measures, behavioural changes, visits to vulnerable households
The experience of an Energy Poverty Alleviation Office
INZEB, Eleftheria Touloupaki, Scientific and Communications Associate
DOOR, Society for Sustainable Development Design, Anamari Majdandžić, Senior Expert
Housing Europe, Edit Lakatos, Senior Policy Officer
14:30 – 15:30
PART IV – Energy communities and innovative financing schemes to tackle energy poverty
Methodology, good practices, advantages, and challenges
Europeаn Crowdfunding Network (ECN), Oliver Gajda, Executive Director
15:30 – 16:25
PART V – The role of local authorities in tackling energy poverty
Energy poverty in the SECAPs and how to address the phenomenon in local energy planning
Energy Poverty Alleviation Offices in municipalities. POWERPOOR as a supporting tool for local authorities
ICLEI, Alis Daniela Torres, Officer Sustainable Resources, Climate & Resilience
ICLEI, Arthur Hinsch, Officer Climate Policy & Energy Governance
16:25 – 16:30
Questions, answers, and what follows next?
Housing Europe, Diana Yordanova, Communications Director
NTUA, Eleni Kanellou, POWERPOOR Coordinator and PhD Candidate, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)