The new European Parliament and Commission must take decisive action to tackle the housing crisis. On October 15, Housing Europe members and partners will share their on-the-ground experiences and policy recommendations with MEPs from across the political spectrum, contributing to the forthcoming EU Affordable Housing Plan. The event is kindly hosted by MEP Marcos Ros Sempere (S&D, Spain).
Since January, Housing Europe has urged EU policymakers to take three key steps to ensure affordable and decent housing becomes a reality for all. Our core demand in the Manifesto remains the same: recognise and support public, cooperative, and social housing providers as essential forces in reducing inequality.
We continue to call for a reset and a #NewHousingParadigm in which a committed and experienced sector serves as the backbone—guiding the way forward for delivering housing that truly meets the needs of everyone.
We encourage you to register and join us for this important discussion at the beginning of the EU mandate.
14:00 – 14:30
Arrival at the European Parliament
15:00 – 15:15
Setting the scene after the elections – Moderated by Sorcha Edwards, Secretary General, Housing Europe
Marcos Ros Sempere, MEP S&D, Spain (confirmed)
Bent Madsen, President of Housing Europe (confirmed)
15:15 – 15:50
The housing needs of the public, cooperative, and social housing sector in Europe – Moderated by Julien Dijol, Head of Policy, Housing Europe
A reality check from community-led housing providers from all corners of Europe
Gerlinde Gutheil, the Austrian Federation of Limited-Profit Housing Associations (GBV), Austria (confirmed)
José Maria Escolastico, the Spanish Social Housing Association (AVS), Spain (confirmed)
Özgür Oener, the Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Companies (GdW), Germany (confirmed)
Martin van Rijn, the Association of Housing Corporations (Aedes), Netherlands (confirmed)
16:50 – 16:50
How can the new European Parliament and Commission embrace a new housing paradigm? – Moderated by Sorcha Edwards, Secretary General, Housing Europe
Roundtable discussion
Ruth Owen, Deputy Director, FEANTSA (confirmed)
Emiliano Rocchetti, Policy Officer, International Union of Tenants (confirmed)
Fernando Sigchos, Secretary General, European Builders Confederation (confirmed)
Kim van Sparrentak, MEP The Greens, IMCO (confirmed)
Andres Jaadla, Rappoteur of the CoR opinion on Smart, sustainable and affordable housing as a tool for local authorities to face multiple challenges, European Committee of the Regions (confirmed)
Ruth Paserman, Director for Funds, Programming and Implementation, DG EMPL, European Commission (confirmed)
Marek Teplansky, Head of Unit Inclusive Growth, Urban and Territorial Development, DG REGIO, European Commission (confirmed)
Luciana Tomozei, Head of Division for Global Affairs and Sectoral Policies at the Permanent Representation of the EIB in Brussels, EIB (confirmed)
16:50 – 17:00 Concluding remarks
Christian Lieberknecht, Vice President of Housing Europe (confirmed)
Marcos Ros Sempere, MEP S&D, Spain (confirmed)
17:00 Cocktail reception at the European Parliament
Registration are now closed.