Join us for a special event celebrating the unveiling of a new social housing project in Plaça Alfons Comín located in the Fondo neighbourhood of Santa Coloma de Gramenet, which has been designed based on the Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhood (SPEN) concept from the EU-funded syn.ikia project.
Join us for a special event celebrating the unveiling of a new social housing project in Plaça Alfons Comín located in the Fondo neighbourhood of Santa Coloma de Gramenet, which has been designed based on the Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhood (SPEN) concept. This innovative pilot project featuring 38 housing units built by INCASÒL (Government of Catalonia) and managed by the Catalan Housing Agency will set an example of social sustainability and energy efficiency in affordable housing.
Housing Europe invites you to this afternoon public event, organised as part of the EU-funded project syn.ikia, bringing together stakeholders and experts in sustainable urban development and housing across the EU, Spain and Catalunya. The event will be a unique opportunity to learn more about how to develop sustainable neighbourhoods with surplus of local renewable energy and discuss with other fellow SPEN projects in Austria, Norway and the Netherlands about the potential of SPEN in decarbonising the social, public housing sector while ensuring social cohesion and liveable urban spaces. We will discuss the opportunities, challenges and solutions that have led to the successful completion of these lighthouse projects.
You will also be able to enjoy an outdoor exhibition about the project and follow the whole journey of the SPEN creation.
The syn.ikia project aims to increase the share of sustainable neighbourhoods with surplus renewable energy, resilient and affordable living places and communities in different contexts, climates and markets in Europe.
Location: Palau Robert – Cotxeres Exhibition Room, Pg. De Gràcia, 107, Barcelona, Spain
Date: 24th of April
Time: 16:00-18:00 CET
About the syn.ikia project
syn.ikia is an EU-funded project under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme. Our mission in syn.ikia is to increase the share of sustainable neighbourhoods with surplus renewable energy, resilient and affordable living places and communities in different contexts, climates and markets in Europe. Our neighbourhoods will achieve more than 100% energy savings, 90% renewable energy generation triggered, 100% GHG emissions reduction, and 10% life cycle costs reduction, compared to NZEB levels.
Celebra con Housing Europe la inauguración de un nuevo proyecto de vivienda pública en la plaza Alfons Comín, situado en el barrio Fondo de Santa Coloma de Gramenet, diseñado en base al concepto de Barrio de Energía Positiva (SPEN por sus siglas en ingles). Este innovador proyecto piloto de 38 viviendas construido por INCASÒL (Generalitat de Catalunya) y gestionado por l’Agència de l’Habitatge de Catalunya será un ejemplo de sostenibilidad social y eficiencia energética en vivienda asequible.
Housing Europe organiza este acto público para reunir a expertos en desarrollo urbano sostenible y vivienda a nivel Europeo, Español y Catalán y aprender más sobre cómo desarrollar barrios sostenibles con balance de energía positivo de la mano de proyectos piloto de referencia en Cataluña, Austria, Noruega y los Países Bajos. Durante el evento, debatiremos sobre el potencial de los SPENs para la descarbonización del sector de la vivienda pública y social y garantizar cohesión social y espacios urbanos más habitables al mismo tiempo.
También se podrá disfrutar de una exposición al aire libre sobre el proyecto y seguir todo el recorrido del proyecto syn.ikia.
El proyecto syn.ikia tiene como objetivo aumentar la proporción de barrios sostenibles con excedentes de energía renovable, que sean resilientes y ofrezcan viviendas y comunidades asequibles en diferentes contextos, climas y mercados en Europa.