December 5th, Brussels | House of Dutch Provinces, Rue de Trèves 59, 1040
The ambition bar has been set quite high when the new European Commission President shared her vision of “becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent”. When presenting the lineup of Commissioners in September 2019, Ursula von der Leyen put the ‘Green New Deal’ at the top of the priority list in the new legislative period, highlighting that Vice-President Timmermans will be responsible to rollout this multi-layered strategic plan. Among other actions, Mr. Timmermans will have to propose “the first European Climate Law” within the new Commission’s first 100 days of office paving the way for the bloc’s commitment to go carbon-neutral by 2050.
Within this big picture that dominates the policymaking chambers in Brussels, Housing Europe aims to hold a first reality check that will prove why public, cooperative and social housing providers are really in position to be the brokers of Europe’s Green New Deal. The upcoming Horizon 2020 HEART Workshop will provide answers to some practical questions that rise when measures are about to be implemented on the ground. In what ways can Smart Energy Renovation solutions be tailored to people’s needs? How can we “teach” a building to predict and adapt? And why is it key to overcome the terminology hurdle to make sure no one is left behind?
Housing Europe hosts the next HEART Project Workshop at the House of Dutch Provinces in Brussels and invites you to be part of a day during which technical and social innovation will meet the new Commission’s regulatory ambition.
12:00 Participants’ arrival, Registration & Round 1 of ‘Innovation Shots’:
- Triple-A Reno – Affordable, Acceptable, Attractive Energy Retrofits
- The ASTER Project – Access to Sustainability Through Energy Effective Retrofit
12:30-13:30 Networking Lunch
Moderation: Philippa Nuttall Jones, Editor in Chief at FORESIGHT Climate & Energy
13:30 Welcome words
- Rob Van Eijkeren, Head of the House of the Dutch Provinces,
- Sorcha Edwards, Housing Europe Secretary General
13:35-13:45 Overview of the HEART Project
- Niccolò Aste, Politecnico Milano, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering
13:45-14:45 Policy Roundtable Discussion
Which role for social, cooperative and public housing providers in shaping the fair energy transition and making the Green New Deal a success?
- Emmanuelle Maire, head of unit (B1) for sustainable production, products and consumption, DG ENV, European Commission
- Kim van Sparrentak, MEP, Member of the Employment Committee
- Robin van Leijen, Aedes Head of EU Affairs
- Julien Dijol, Housing Europe Deputy Secretary General
14:45-15:00 Coffee break & Round 2 of ‘Innovation Shots
- HOTMAPS – The open source mapping and planning tool for heating and cooling
- 4RinEU – Reliable models for deep renovation
15:00-17:00 Workshop time
#1 curated by REVOLVE | The battle of terminology
#2 curated by EURAC | Tailoring Smart Energy Renovation to people’s needs
#3 curated by POLIMI | How HEART offers cost-optimal building´s energy performance?
Q&A concluding session moderated by Sebastien Garnier, Housing Europe Project and Innovation Manager