In the face of society weakened by a cost-of-living and housing crisis, what is needed to ensure that the implementation phase of the EPBD can be a catalyst for more inclusive and future-proof housing systems?
- Hosted by MEP Marcos Ros Sempere (S&D, Spain)
- Organised by Housing Europe, coordinator of the Affordable Housing Initiative capacity-building programme
We expect a new and ambitious EPBD to be finalised in the coming months. As sustainability is a key pillar for the members of Housing Europe, we support an ambitious transition towards a more energy-efficient and Green housing sector. Nevertheless, beyond facilitating sustainable homes, our members also have to ensure the continued availability of affordable homes and foster social integration. In this sense, social and affordable housing providers have continuously coupled renovations and positive social outcomes.
As such, in this event, we aim to highlight best practices of district renovations as identified by the Affordable Housing Initiative (AHI) Consortium.
This EU-funded initiative seeks to support SMEs to collaborate with public authorities and social and affordable housing providers, to implement integrated renovation projects at the district level. The initiative assists local social housing projects to access the required technical and innovation capacity to plan and deliver renovations that integrate the latest technological, process, and social solutions.
The identified best practices show a necessary strategy not only to upscale building renovation and attract larger investments but also to bring social benefits for people and their neighbourhoods. These can then, in the face of society weakened by a cost of living and housing crisis, ensure that the implementation phase of the EPBD can be a catalyst for more inclusive and future-proof housing systems.
26th October 2023 I 9:00-11:00 CET
Sorcha Edwards, Secretary General, Housing Europe
Marcos Ros Sempere, MEP S&D
Nuria Matarredona Desantes, Director General of Urban Agenda and Architecture, Spanish Government
Keynote speech
Stefan Moser, Head of Unit, DG ENERGY, European Commission
Setting the scene
Robin van Leijen, Senior European Public Affairs Officer, Federation of Dutch Social Housing Associations (Aedes) and Chair of Housing Europe Energy Working Committee
Housing projects that have reconciliated green and affordable housing, bespractices from the Affordable Housing Initiative
- Vivalla Sweden – Peter Hovlund, Area Manager, Örebro Housing AB
- OPENGELA Spain – Ignacio De La Puerta Rueda, Director of Territorial Planning and Urban Agenda, Basque Government
- Nettelbeckplatz Germany – Dirk Lönnecker, Member of Board of Directors, Berlin Building and Housing Cooperative from 1892 eG
- Video by VIPASA Spain
Policy Recommendations by the capacity-building programme of the Affordable Housing Initiative
Julien Dijol, Policy Director, Housing Europe
Panel discussion
Moderated by Robin van Leijen, Senior European Public Affairs Officer, Aedes and Chair of Housing Europe Energy Working Committee
- Affordable Housing Initative speakers
- Estrella Durá Ferradis, MEP S&D
- Bogdan Atanasiu – Senior Policy Advisor, DG ENERGY, European Commission
- Julien Dijol, Policy Director, Housing Europe
Sorcha Edwards, Secretary General, Housing Europe
Broadcast link
For those of you who will be unable to attend the event in person, you may follow the broadcast of the event using the following link: