Malta, like other Euro-American societies has experienced drastic demographic, political and economic transformations due to the pull of progress brought about by an economic boom. Such changes, which are largely experienced at a household level, cannot be ignored by the state. Hence, the Ministry for Social Accommodation sought to address these social shifts by developing and implementing its first-ever national housing system. The Ministry has made clear that it is putting the home at the centre of Maltese society – a vision which is rethinking and re-evaluating contemporary housing from a holistic perspective. This system is taking a people-centred approach to housing as it invests in adequate housing in order to ensure security, belonging, prosperity and wellbeing in Malta.
This online workshop is organised by the Ministry for Social Accommodation, Malta in cooperation with United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Housing Europe, UN-Habitat and Union for the Mediterranean within the initiative “#Housing2030 – Improving Housing Affordability in the UNECE region”.
Ms. Sarah-Lee Zammit, Ministry for Social Accommodation, Malta
10:00 – 10:30 | Workshop Opening and Objectives
H.E. Mr. Hon. Roderick Galdes, The Minister for Social Accommodation, Malta•H. E. Ms. Ayşe Asya, Deputy Secretary-General for Transport and Urban Development, Union for the Mediterranean
Ms. Doris Andoni, Chair, UNECE Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management
Housing Europe and Head of Housing, Ministry of Economy and Finance of Albania
Mr. Bent Madsen, President of Housing Europe
Mr. Christophe Lalande, Leader, Housing Unit, UN-Habitat
10:30-10:45 | Setting the stage on affordable housing: information on the #Housing2030 study objectives and planned activities
Ms. Elena Szolgayova, #Housing2030 Initiative Co-Chair
Mr. David Orr, #Housing2030 Initiative Co-Chair
Ms. Julie Lawson, Lead Author of the #Housing2030 Initiative Report and Centre for UrbanResearch, RMIT University
10:45 – 11:30 | Session 1
How can a people-centred and systems-based approach to housing promote social cohesion, belonging and wellbeing?
Keynote | Ms. Rachael Marie Scicluna, Policy, Development and Strategy Expert, Ministry for Social Accommodation & Chairperson of the Sustainable Communities Board, Housing Authority, Malta
Panel discussion
Moderator | Ms. Julie Lawson, Lead Author of the #Housing2030 Initiative Report and Centre for Urban Research, RMIT University.
1.How does a society shift from perceiving ‘housing as capital’ to one which sees ‘housing as ahuman and social right’?
2.What are the existing approaches and practices adopted by other societies for implementingsocially inclusive policies?
3.In practical terms, how can the multiple voices of vulnerable communities be included at planning stage in order to promote connectedness, lifetime homes and neighbourhoods?
4.How can a housing systems-based approach facilitate ‘resilience’ as a tool for cities and neighbourhoods to cope with social, political and economic transformations?
Ms. Susanna Bauer, City of Vienna/Wiener Wohnen, Austria
Ms. Sophie Lecoq, Director, Fonciere de la Ville de Paris
Mr. Javier Buron, Housing Manager, Barcelona Municipality, Spain
Ms. Marissa Plouin, Housing Policy Analyst, Directorate for Employment, Labour and SocialAffairs, OECD
Questions and answers
11:30-11:45 Short break
11:45-12:45 | Session 2
A rights-based approach to affordable housing programmes and land-use
Keynote – Mr. Kurt Xerri, Legal Housing and Policy Expert, Ministry for Social Accommodation & Housing Authority
Panel discussion
Moderator: Mr. Marc Darder, Chief of the Technical Cabinet at the Regional Ministry for Territory and Sustainability, Catalonia, Spain
1.What are the experiences with establishing legal and institutional frameworks for planning and investments into affordable and adequate housing for all?
2.What policies could ensure social inclusion and avoid the negative impacts of mass development and gentrification?
3.How can countries utilize their planning and investment powers to accommodate changing demographic needs particularly of vulnerable groups?
Ms. Lisa Bullen, Scottish Government’s Affordable Housing Program, Housing Needs DemandAssessment Process and Social Housing Investment Plans
Mr. Iacovou Charalambos, Cyprus Land Development Corporation, Cyprus
Ms. Manana Hafnaoui, Director General for Planning and Cooperation, Ministry of EquipmentHousing and Territorial Planning, Tunisia
Mr. Grzegorz Gadja, European Investment Bank•Ms. Virginie Toussain, Director of European law and internal market & competition affairs,l’Union sociale pour l’habitat (USH) France
12:45-13:00 Conclusions by the Moderator and adjourn
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