19 February 2019 at the European Parliament, Room JAN 6Q1 | 15:00 – 16:30

More than 118 million people in the EU, which correspond to 23.5% of the total European population, live in households at risk of poverty or social exclusion. The increasingly pressing housing crisis across Europe is urging interventions at both national and EU level. Would boosting the cooperation with the private rental sector be a way to foster inclusive approaches and foster more sustainable urban development? 

With a special focus on the work of social rental agencies, as intermediaries between landlords and low-income tenants, this event aims at gathering policy-makers, practitioners and academics to find a common ground. It will take place in the framework of a larger initiative, the Housing Solutions Platform, a partnership between FEANTSA, Housing Europe and Fondation Abbé Pierre.

The debate will be an opportunity to exchange best practices and look at some of the tools available to contribute to the protection of the right to housing for everyone.

Draft Agenda


MEP Jan Olbrycht – President of the Urban Intergroup

Sarah Coupechoux –  Research Manager Europe, Fondation Abbé Pierre

Stratos Paradias – President, UIPI  

Panel discussion: Rental intermediation, a proven method of mobilising the private rental stock  

Moderated by Emmanuelle Causse – Director of European Affairs, UIPI

Pascal De Decker – Associate Professor, KU Leuven

Chloé Serme Morin – Project Officer, FEANTSA
Muriel Vander Ghinst – Director, Logement pour Tous ASBL 

Matthias zu Eicken – Housing and Urban Development Policy Officer, Haus und Grund

Bjorn Mallants – Board Member, Housing Europe


Freek Spinnewjin – Director, FEANTSA