The Work Programme 2021-2027 is now available. Check out the new Calls announced!
What is Horizon Europe?
Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation (the continuity of Horizon 2020 programme) in 2021-2027 with a budget of €95.5 billion (including €5.4 billion from NGEU – Next Generation Europe).
The three aims
The programme tackles climate change, helps to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and boosts the EU’s competitiveness and growth. The programme facilitates collaboration and strengthens the impact of research & innovation in developing, supporting and implementing EU policies while tackling global challenges. It supports creating and better dispersing of excellent knowledge and technologies.
Calls for proposals for affordable housing providers will be found in the Climate, energy and mobility cluster under Pillar II. Access to calls here
Who are the beneficiaries?
Legal entities from the EU and associated countries can participate.
Combination with other Funds
Synergies are highly recommended between Horizon Europe and the Structural funds for the purpose of “sharing excellence”, thereby enhancing regional R&I capacity and the ability of all regions to develop clusters of excellence.
New Simplified rules
- Up to 100% funding rate of direct costs (except for Innovation actions – up to 70% and 30-70% for co-funded partnerships)
- Single set of rules principle
- Increased use of simplified forms of funding where appropriate (building on the H2020 lump sum pilot experience)
- Broader acceptance of usual cost accounting practices
- Enhanced cross-reliance on audits benefiting beneficiaries taking part in several Union programmes
Other New elements in Horizon Europe
European Innovation Council: Support for innovations with potential breakthrough and disruptive nature with scale-up potential that may be too risky for private investors. This is 70% of the budget earmarked for SMEs.
The European Innovation Council will work as a one-stop-shop
- helping researchers and innovators create markets of the future, leverage private finance, scale up their companies
- Innovation centric, risk taking & agile, pro-active management and follow up
- Mostly ’bottom up’, but also targeting strategic challenges
- EIC Programme Managers to develop visions for breakthroughs and steer portfolios
- EU Missions: Sets of measures to achieve bold, inspirational and measurable goals within a set timeframe. There are 5 main missions as part of Horizon Europe.
- Open science policy: Open access to publications and open science principles are applied throughout the programme.
- New approach to partnerships: Objective-driven and more ambitious partnerships with industry in support of EU policy objectives. At the moment there are 49 Partnerships drafted.
The relevant Partnerships for our sector are as follows:
- People-centric sustainable built environment (Built4People)
The vision of the partnerships is high quality, low carbon, energy and resource efficient built environments which drive the transition towards sustainability. The partnership brings together the whole value chain and it will develop sector-relevant innovation clusters across the EU.
The objectives are scientific (generate holistic innovation for sustainability), economic (revitalise the sector via sustainable operation) and societal (induce behavioural change towards sustainable living). The objectives will be reached through a user-centric approach.
Draft partnership proposal (May 2020)
Contact: ENER-ENERGY-EFFICIENCY@ec.europa.eu
Partners: World Green Building Council – Stephen Richardson, ECTP – Alain Zarli, EDF – Antoine Aslanides
2. European Partnership – driving urban transitions to a sustainable future (DUT)
The partnership will engage and enable the whole spectrum of urban stakeholders (local authorities, municipalities, business and citizens) to co-create innovative, systemic and people-centric approaches, tools, methods and services in support of urban transformative transitions.
This will lead to more efficient and decarbonised use of energy, sustainable and people-friendly mobility systems, circular and environmental-friendly use of resources, for the well-being of citizens and preservation of biodiversity.
Draft partnership proposal (June 2020)
- Commission services: Christos Fragakis
- Partners: JPI Urban Europe – Margit Noll
3. European Partnership for Clean Energy Transition
A transformative research and innovation programme across Europe, this partnership will boost and accelerate energy transition in all its dimensions. It will enable joint research and innovation programmes from regional to national and global level, co-supported by industry, public organisations, research and citizens’ organisations to make Europe a frontrunner in energy innovation and eventually the first climate-neutral continent.
Draft partnership proposal (May 2020)
- Commission services: Maria Getsiou
- Partners: Swedish Energy Agency – Lisa Lundmark Austrian Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology – Hans-Günther Schwarz, Michael Hübner
For accessing the legal background of Horizon Europe, click here.
Work programme and procedure
The Commission has published its work programme for 2023-2024, which lists the various calls for projects under Cluster 5: “Climate, Energy and Mobility”, with a budget of 2.4 billion euros for these years.
Open or upcoming Horizon Europe calls
Demonstration of DC powered data centres, buildings, industries and ports
Closing date: 18 April 2024
Budget per project: 5 million
Number of expected projects: 5
Supporting the creation of an accessible and inclusive built environment
Closing date: 18 April 2024
Budget per project: 5 million
Number of expected projects: 5
Industrialisation of sustainable and circular deep renovation workflows
Opening date: 7 May 2024
Closing date: 5 September 2024
Budget per project: 8 million
Number of expected projects: 2
Design for adaptability, re-use and deconstruction of buildings, in line with the principles of circular economy
Opening date: 7 May 2024
Closing date: 5 September 2024
Budget per project: 4 million
Number of expected projects: 2
To apply to a Horizon Europe project, a consortium must be set up, with a minimum of three European partners. On average, a project lasts 3 to 4 years, with funding of 4 to 5 million euros.
Horizon Europe funding can be combined with other European funds, as long as these do not cover the same expenses.
National Contact Points (NCPs) are the best way to get support for Horizon Europe projects.
for more information, see L’Union Sociale pour l’Habitat (2023). Cohésion 2021-2027 FEDER – FSE+ L’Europe investit dans le logement social de votre Région, p. 73-74.
Full work programme for 2023-2024 available here.