Faced with the consequences of climate change, which Europe as a whole is having to deal with, the Climate Chance Europe 2024 Wallonia Summit organised by the EU Belgian Presidency aimed at focusing on the adaptation solutions put in place by all parties in this local, regional, national and European multi-stakeholder context.
Our Policy Director, Julien Dijol stressed that the lack of adaptation can have far-reaching consequences, especially for vulnerable regions and low-income people. Without consideration of equity in adaptation, the existing inequalities may be reinforced, or new inequalities may arise. This is why it is crucial to ensure the adaptability of social infrastructure such as public and social housing to climate-related risks.
Social and affordable housing is often a stepping stone to better life opportunities for many. Integrating climate-proof and adaptive systems and solutions in social and affordable housing is a crucial step to guarantee climate justice and the just transition to a resilient built environment. Climate adaptation should be accessible to everyone, independent of their socioeconomic background or origins. Housing Europe emphasised that EU’s Green Deal is one of the greatest opportunities to integrate vital climate adaptation measures to increase the resilience of social infrastructure, such as public or social housing to extreme weather conditions.
Read the Liège Declaration on Adaptation to Climate Change that came as a result of the meeting.