Housing Europe was invited to speak at the workshop ‘National Housing Policy in Albania: Financing for affordable housing and the role of housing agencies’ which was held on Thursday 18 of June. This online workshop was organized by the Albanian Ministry of Economy and UNECE, in cooperation with Housing Europe, UN-Habitat, UNDP Tirana and the Union for Mediterranean. The objective of the workshop was to discuss the challenges and opportunities of housing finance and the present and future role of the National Housing Agency (NHA) in Albania based on relevant international best practices. The outcomes will be used for the revision of the National Housing Strategy of Albania and the future role of the NHA and for developing local housing plans for three pilot municipalities in Albania.

Our research director Alice presented an overview of affordable housing financing in Europe. Drawing from the Observatory work on this topic and on the content produced by Housing Europe Working Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs, she highlighted examples of resilient financing models implemented by our members and flagged opportunities to integrate with European sources such as EIB, COEB and pre-accession funds available to Albania. The discussion also highlighted opportunities and challenges to implement PPP models in the country based on international experience.

Furthermore, the event gave us the chance to learn more about the role of housing agencies in addressing the challenge of affordable housing provision, including the National Housing Agency of Albania, the National Housing fund of Slovenia (both members of HE),  the National Real Estate Agency of Croatia and the Housing Agency in Ireland – highlighting a clear interest from these entities in continuing and expanding the exchange with their international counterparts.

The workshop will also contribute to the collection of best practices for affordable housing for the #Housing2030 initiative jointly launched by Housing Europe, UNECE and UNHabitat.