While Members of the European Parliament were voting for a new President of the European Commission, our own President, Bent Madsen, and Senior Policy Officer Edit Lakatos, were in Luxembourg at an event organised by the European Investment Bank (EIB).

“Housing is a top priority for European citizens, and today is a historic day when President Von der Leyen put housing among her top priorities,” the Head of EIB, Nadia Calviño stressed.

Bent Madsen focused on the root causes of housing unaffordability and highlighted key facts from our latest “State of Housing” report, such as the lack of public spending and investment in social rental housing, and the sharp increase in interest rates. The report underscores the skyrocketing investment gap in the social and affordable housing sector, emphasising that housing providers are facing considerable constraints in delivering sufficient affordable homes. This challenge is occurring at a critical moment when renovation must enable the energy transition.

The European Commission directorates responsible for growth, regions, and employment also reminded attendees that follow-up action is needed regarding the Liège declaration signed in March by EU housing ministers. Commission officials committed to assisting EU governments in scaling up investment for construction and renovation of homes through capital investment, such as cohesion policy, InvestEU, or through technical assistance.

The EIB is organising these events to gather ideas on how to bridge the investment gap and set up the pan-European investment platform mandated by the European Commission President. The next event has been scheduled for September.