Housing Europe was invited to participate in the ESPON seminar ‘No Net Land Take Trajectories: Policies and Practices across Europe’, held on 5-6 June 2024 in Mons, in cooperation with the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council.
Addressing the complexities of land use in European cities, regions, and countries is crucial for sustainable development. The shift towards no net land take (NNLT) policies presents a significant opportunity to mitigate urban sprawl, protect biodiversity, and ensure the provision of ecological services, while also addressing the challenges related to affordable housing and economic development. Within this overarching topic, the seminar included plenary sessions and interactive workshops bringing together researchers, policymakers and stakeholders from across Europe.
Alice Pittini of Housing Europe Observatory addressed the audience explaining the policy workstream of the ongoing research project ‘Access to affordable and quality housing for all people – HOUSE4ALL’, highlighting the diversity of concepts and definitions around social and affordable housing in Europe and the importance of a dedicated sector plays in some countries. The workshop was also the opportunity to present preliminary results from data scraping which are being gathered into interactive maps, and panel discussion with the EIB, Bureau Bruxellois de la Planification, and Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development of Norway.
More information and presentations from the seminar are available via this link.