The 83rd congress of our French member, l’Union Sociale pour l’Habitat in Nantes brought 3,700 social housing experts and 430 exhibiting companies, focusing on the increasing role of renewable energy and the just transition, but also the +2 million (and growing) waiting households for social housing in the country.
“The housing crisis can be explained by economic reasons but also by the government’s strategic choices. This is a reality in many states, including France,” USH’s President, Emmanuelle Cosse said at the kick-off session.
Joining the so-called dialogue sessions, our Policy Director Julien Dijol gave a talk revolving around the increasing market pressure, lack of appetite for public investment, commodification of homes and layers of crises for which the sector needs various kind of support to keep the balance between affordability, accessibility, and sustainability.
Listen to this dialogue in French. The next USH congress will be on 24-26 September 2024 in Montpellier.