In 2023, the Housing Europe team is opening a new chapter – boosting the skills of public, cooperative, and social housing providers across Europe by organising a series of real-life and digital trainings.
The focus of the Housing Europe trainings will be on energy poverty alleviation, circular economy models, and district-level renovation. This initiative is fully in sync with the European Year of Skills, announced by the European Commission President.
What is planned and when?
- 26th January 2023 (online)
- March 2023 (online)
These free online courses aim at providing all the necessary knowledge to support energy-poor citizens to implement energy efficiency interventions and participate in joint energy initiatives, through the development of support programmes and ICT-driven tools.
Colleagues the public, cooperative, and social housing sector, municipalities, health, and social workers, representatives from the academia and anyone who wants to be engaged in tackling the phenomenon can now join a community of several hundreds of certified Energy Supporters and Mentors, working on the ground, enabling change and providing paths out of energy poverty in their regions.
These trainings are supported by our EU-funded project, POWERPOOR.
Supplying circularity for social and affordable housing (online)
- March 2023 (online)
Market dialogues on circular renovation’ by Housing Europe and University of Bologna. Fitting the EU-funded project, DRIVE-0 circular solutions to the social housing market.
Circular training for Irish affordable housing
- 11th May 2023 (Athlone, Ireland)
Uncovering the Drive 0 pilot managed by Westmeath County Council, discussing local drivers to adopt circularity in affordable housing in Ireland.
The business behind circular renovation
- June 2023 (Barcelona, International Social Housing Festival)
A face-to-face training organised by Pich Architects.
These trainings are supported by our EU-funded project, DRIVE 0.
The European Affordable Housing Consortium, SHAPE-EU project is organising a series of training events, touching on a few specific topics in order to support affordable and social housing providers, public authorities, and SMEs to deliver renovation districts that include innovative features and place liveability and affordability at the forefront.
Renovation of affordable and social housing districts: social innovation
- 12th April 2023
Renovation of affordable and social housing districts: technical and technological innovation
- 10th May 2023
Renovation of affordable and social housing districts: regulatory aspects
- 6th September 2023
Affordable Housing Initiative Bootcamp – Training on the integrated approaches to district renovation (Vienna)
- 18-19 September 2023 (Vienna)
Renovation of affordable and social housing districts: essential planning and delivery aspects (Part I)
- 4th October 2023
Renovation of affordable and social housing districts: essential planning and delivery aspects (Part II)
- 15th November 2023
Date to be determined | Affordable Housing Initiative Webinar Series on Finance – workshops on funding and financial models of district renovation (online only).
Remember to regularly check our events section for the latest information, as well as our monthly newsletter.
For the trainings on energy poverty alleviation, contact
For the sessions dedicated to circularity, get in touch with
For the events related to district renovation, drop a message to or check the web page of the European Affordable Housing Consortium, SHAPE-EU.