Social housing is often considered to be a laboratory where social and environmental innovation is taking place. This podcast which will bring us just a few kilometres from Housing Europe’s headquarters will prove this.
Le logement social est souvent considéré comme un laboratoire d’innovation sociale et environnementale. Ce podcast qui nous amènera à quelques kilomètres des bureaux de Housing Europe le prouvera. Alors restez avec nous, car nous allons dans le sud de la Belgique, la région wallonne.
Notre membre, la Société Wallonne du Logement (SWL) nous guidera à travers leurs défis comme par exemple rénover les logements tout en les gardant abordables, opter pour des solutions à plus faible impact environnemental dont l’emploi de matériaux biosourcés. SWL fait également une brève rétrospective des 8 dernières années depuis le lancement du projet Housing First dans le pays – ce qui a été réalisé et ce qu’ils devraient encore viser. Plus important, cet épisode est une invitation officielle à un échange d’idées et d’expériences.
Ce podcast est le tout premier épisode de ‘Making a house a home’ en français et dans celui-ci, on a le plaisir de discuter avec le porte-parole de SWL, Daniel Pollain.
Social housing is often considered to be a laboratory where social and environmental innovation is taking place. This podcast which will bring us just a few kilometres from Housing Europe’s headquarters will prove this. Stay with us, we are bringing you to the south of Belgium or the Walloon region where our member, Societe Wallonne du Logement (SWL) walks us through the major challenges they are experiencing locally in their mission to renovate homes while keeping them affordable, their journey towards circularity and more sustainable materials. SWL also makes a short retrospection of the past 8 years since the Housing First project had kicked off in the country – what has been achieved and what should we be aiming at. Most importantly, this episode is an official invite for an exchange of ideas and experiences.
You are with the very first episode of ‘Making a house a home’ in French and in it, we have the pleasure to be talking to the spokesperson of SWL, Daniel Pollain. Tune in.
How does the fair energy transition translate into your work?
How are you and your tenants going through the economic and social recovery?
What are the emerging housing needs in your country?
Housing Europe would be glad to tour around the continent and hear the latest updates from public, cooperative and social housing providers.
If you would like to share with us your story, drop us a message at