In January 2023, the two agencies of Flanders, VMSW, and Wonen-Vlaanderen, merged into the new agency Wonen in Vlaanderen meaning that there is now just one agency of the government of Flanders for housing.

To launch Wonen in Vlaanderen (Living in Flanders), more than 500 policymakers, social housing companies, local governments, anti-poverty advocates, tenant associations, and members of the Flemish government came together in Antwerp.

Housing Europe was invited to deliver a keynote to bring a ‘beyond borders’ perspective. Our Secretary General, Sorcha Edwards presented solutions Housing Europe members are bringing in the current climate and energy crisis and how the urgent need to enlarge the social housing stock is being tackled creatively across the region.

For citizens, Wonen in Vlaanderen will:

  • provide the rental premium and subsidy to support private tenants
  • provide premiums such as MijnVerbouwPremie and the adjustment premium to renovate or adapt a home in a high-quality and sustainable manner
  • offer handy (residential) applications such as the housing quality guide, rent estimator, premium finder, …
  • work on and raise awareness about regulations on housing such as housing quality, private rental legislation, etc.

For housing companies, the new agency will:

  • support administratively, technically and financially in the construction and renovation of social housing
  • install infrastructure in social housing projects of housing companies
  • support and supervise the general operation of the housing companies
  • be committed to further professionalisation through mutual knowledge sharing and training

Find out more about the newly set up Wonen in Vlaanderen.