The Technological Educational Institute of Athens (T.E.I. of Athens) was established in 1983 according to Law No. 1404/1983 as a tertiary higher academic institute at the technological level supervised by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. It is a self-governed, multi-disciplinary, technology-oriented legal body of public law assimilated to public universities.

It is the largest of all Technological Educational Institutes in Greece, based at Aigaleo, a suburb 15 min. outside Athens. It is committed to disciplinary excellence – across the health; physical and life sciences; the social sciences, and engineering professions – and interdisciplinary research that will benefit society on a national and global scale. There is extensive collaboration with leading university networks, public agencies and business – in Greece and internationally.

T.E.I. of Athens includes 5 Faculties (Faculty of Technological Applications, Faculty of Management & Finance, Faculty of Health & Social Care, Faculty of Food Technology & Nutrition, Faculty of Fine Arts & Design), 27 Academic Departments, 18 Research Labs and one central library.