AEDES – Aedes vereniging van woningcorporaties
Koningin Julianaplein 10
2595 AA DEN HAAG, Netherlands
tel: (+)31 88 233 37 00
The Association of Housing Corporations (Aedes) is the national sector organisation promoting the interests of almost every social housing organisation in the Netherlands.
It works with its members on living/care arrangements for the elderly and groups with special needs, such as mentally or physically disabled and asylum seekers. It also supports housing organisations in local development plans and social infrastructure by entering into collaborative relationships with other organisations.
It provides a platform for more than 381 members to meet, exchange ideas and develop visions. As the employer’s organisation, it has a seat at the meeting table with trade unions to agree on a collective employment agreement (CAO).
Founding year: 1999
Rented housing stock: 2.400.000 (31% of total housing stock)