Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane-Settore Abitazione
Via Torino 146
00184 Roma, Italy
tel: (+) 39 06 844 39 391
The Alliance of Italian Cooperatives in the Housing Sector (Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane – Settore Abitazione) is the organization resulting from the merging in 2013 of the three federations AGCI Abitazione, FEDERABITAZIONE-Confcooperative, and Legacoop Abitanti.
It is the main organization representing housing cooperatives and their consortia in Italy, including 65% of all registered housing cooperatives in the country. It brings together 4.700 coops with about 550.000 registered members, for a total 850.000 homes built as of today. Its activities include the construction and management of dwellings as through home ownership (individual or shared cooperative ownership), rent and lease.
The Alliance is leader in urban and housing renewal as well as energy refurbishment of buildings. It also carries out housing programmes for specific categories such as young couples, elderly people, students, and migrants – aimed at providing innovative responses adapted to their specific needs.