GdW – Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e.V.
Klingelhöferstraße 5
DE-10785 Berlin, Germany
tel: (+) 49 30 824 03-0
GdW, the Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Companies is the umbrella organization of the relevant sectors in Germany with its headquarters in Berlin. It represents nearly 30 percent of all rental flats in Germany, about 1,2 million of which are social housing. 2,2 million flats are managed by housing cooperatives.
Its activities include the construction and administration of rental dwellings and of free hold flats, renovation of dwellings and urban renewal.
Partners include municipalities, social organisations and others.
Founding year: 1949
Members: 15 regional federations with around 3.000 housing enterprises
Housing stock: About 6 million rental dwellings for more than 13 million tenants