Post address: Postboks 452 Sentrum, 0104 Oslo
Visitor’s address: Stortorvet 10, 0155 Oslo
tel : (+) 47 22 40 38 50
Email: nbbl@nbbl.no
The Co-operative Housing Federation of Norway (NBBL) is a nation-wide organisation part of the Norwegian Co-operative Housing Movement. The vision of the movement is to offer members the opportunity to attain a decent home in a sustainable living environment, what we call sustainable living.
One of its main tasks in the years to come will be to renovate the existing housing stock in order to reduce energy consumption and arrange for transition to alternative energy sources in combination with efforts to improve the accessibility.
Founding year: 1946
Members: 57 (co-operative housing associations)
Rented housing stock: 146.700 homes in condominiums or independent housing co-operatives
Annual building activity:
2009: 1224 homes completed
2010: 412 homes completed