Athalassas Ave. 14
2011 Strovolos
23928, 1687 Nicosia
The Cyprus Land Development Corporation is responsible for the implementation of the Government’s Social Housing policy and Schemes. It provides Affordable Residential Dwellings, only for sale, to people who have difficulties to acquire through the private sector and meet certain financial criteria.
CLDC was established by specific law in 1980 as the sole Social Housing Service provider in Cyprus and is under the structural responsibility of the Ministry of Interior, while it is self-funded. The organisation is managed by a 9-member Board of Directors who serve a voluntary two and a half -year term, being appointed by the President of the Republic and approved by the Council of Ministers and the Parliament. The President cannot remove or dismiss the members of the Board.
The structure of CLDC includes a Chairman, a Vice-chairman and seven members of the Board of Directors, responsible for policy and strategy issues. The Administration Department carries out day to day management such as Administration, Accounting and Sales, while the Technical Department takes care of Studies and Supervision. Overall, CLDC employs 35 staff members.
Total number of constructed dwellings, owner-occupied dwellings and rental dwellings:
- 829 apartments
- 1850 houses
- 2067 land plots
The organisation manages 1389 dwellings by receiving monthly payments from the buyers.