Initia is the umbrella organisation of the housing companies that rent out social housing in Flanders.

Initia exists for and through its members. The organisation has three core tasks: supporting, defending interests, and informing.

As a membership association, Initia supports housing societies in various ways. It brings together know-how and good examples, facilitates group purchases, organises study trips, and prepares model documents.

As an interest group, Initia works on policy preparation and remediation on the legal framework that should make it possible for housing companies to shape the Flemish social housing policy in practice. As an employers’ organisation, Initia represents its members in the Joint Committee 339.

Initia informs and communicates clearly to the members of the organisation and those who are interested in social housing in Flanders.

  • Total number of managed dwelling units by INITIA members: 150.000
  • Rental dwellings constructed in 2015: 2.661
  • Owner-occupied dwellings constructed in 2015: 825
  • Apartments and houses refurbished between 2010-2014: 20.297 
  • Investment in construction and renovation in 2015: > €1 billion