FNAR is the National Federation of Regional Associations of organizations involved in social housing, one of the five federations- members of USH. It organizes its actions together with the regional associations alongside 4 priorities: the development of the inter-organizational cooperation, the deepening of the relations with the territorial collective entities, especially within the framework of housing policies, the amelioration of the system of professional information and the structuring of the network.

The regional associations exercise 3 main functions: local representation and participation to local housing policies, creating the interface between the social housing organizations in a region, the federation and USH within the framework of FNAR and professional animation.

Another important aspect of FNAR’s activity concerns the capitalization and spreading of information and territorial practices necessary to the exercise of the production and exploitation of territorial data banks and the alimentation and development of tools and practices favoring the functioning of the net.

Founding year: 1950
Members: 21