FNCOOP HLM – Federation Nationale des Sociétés Coopératives d’HLM
14, rue Lord Byron
FR-75384 PARIS CEDEX 08, France
tel: (+) 33 1 40 75 78 00
Email: federation@hlm.coop
FNCOOPHLM is the National Federation of Cooperative Associations for Low-Rent Housing. Its aims are to seek out all proper means that may facilitate the activities of cooperative associations, to defend the particular and general interests of the cooperative associations and to promote an active cooperative action-policy in the favor of social housing.
Its tasks are the study and publication of adequate means in order to support the activity of the cooperative movement in the area of social housing, to establish and distribute documentation in the field of cooperative associations and social housing, to permanently represent these associations in the negotiations with the decision-making factors, to work together with other organizations in the cooperative movement at the national and international level, to study and implement activities leading to the commercial, financial and technical development of the member associations.
Founding year: 1908
Members: 165